CJ Aiken and Jaylen Bond led Plymouth-Whitemarsh to their 8th straight win earlier this evening. Aiken had 22 points and 14 rebounds while junior Jaylen Bond led PW with 23 points. The Colonials are now 8-0.
In the past roughly 24 hours, Strawberry Mansion senior DJ Newbill had two stat-stuffing performances. Mansion ran all over Bodine today, with Newbill notching a triple-double. His 19 points, 10 boards, 10 assists, and 5 steals paced Mansion in the blowout. If that performance sounds impressive, check this out. 19 points, 10 rebounds, 5 steals, and 5 assists in the first half of yesterday's win over Hope Charter. Newbill finished that game with 37 points. Talented sophomore Khyree Wooten had 13 points and 10 rebounds as well for Mansion in the win.
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5 years ago
Is Newbill even on our radar?